Activity standings for top 10 in


Total to date: 187.50 kms

6.80 kms per hour

Imagine if tennis and ping pong had a baby. That's pickleball. Currently in a three way tie with crossfit and dragonboating for the most cult-like activity and the second-most popular racquet sport named after a vegetable.

Players All players

Name City Kms
1 John T Toronto 42.50
2 Marc B Amsterdam 26.25
3 Rick J El Paso 22.50
4 Ann J El Paso 20.00
5 Bill B Salt Lake City 16.25
6 Douglas F Chateauguay 15.00
7 Joanne B Dublin 15.00
8 Tony C Scarborough 10.00
9 John M Alpharetta 10.00
10 Jeff M Sunshine / Melbourne 7.50

Teams All teams

Team Kms
1 Fast and Furious 68.75
2 Sofa Kings 57.50
3 Wave Riders 41.25
4 Energy Bears 10.00

Cities All cities

Location Kms
1 Toronto 42.50
2 El Paso 42.50
3 Amsterdam 26.25
4 Salt Lake City 16.25
5 Dublin 15.00
6 Chateauguay 15.00
7 Scarborough 10.00
8 Sunshine / Melbourne 10.00
9 Alpharetta 10.00

Countries All countries

Country Kms
1 United States 68.75
2 Canada 67.50
3 The Netherlands 26.25
4 Ireland 15.00
5 Australia 10.00


  Division Kms
1 Human Resources 112.50
2 Manufacturing 52.50
3 Headquarters 22.50


  Branch Kms
1 Marketing 120.00
2 IT 52.50
3 Sales 15.00