Sneaky Weasels

Team Lead: Robert G of Juarez Mexico

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3,188 kms | 4,249,404 Steps

Top 5 Activities Kms Steps
Walking 661 880,966
Hiking 553 737,029
Baking 290 386,570
Dog Walking 260 346,660
Volunteering 168 223,278
8 Players | 398 kms per player

4 Women    4 Men

from 3 Cities

Cape Town: 3 Johannesburg: 3 Durban: 2

in 1 Countries

South Africa: 8

8 Players

Only players with results are shown below. Average distance for all players (including players with zero results): 398 kms per player.

Player Location Kms (actual) Steps
David B Johannesburg 955.65 (823.65) 1,273,881
Judith M Cape Town 774.61 (753.31) 1,032,555
Debbie B Cape Town 367.01 (330.42) 489,224
Roy B Johannesburg 350.77 (313.54) 467,576
Wally T Cape Town 300.67 (236.37) 400,793
David I Durban 162.68 (152.88) 216,852
Linda I Durban 142.60 (137.00) 190,086
Danielle L Johannesburg 133.86 (117.48) 178,435